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  • Arun

Life as a Sustainability Advocate

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

To say that I was surprised is an understatement when I heard some people say that they had not heard the term “environmental sustainability” at one of the tabling sessions that I was a part of, during a Welcome Week orientation. That was just one of many surprises I have experienced during my time as an advocate at UC Sustainability. As a materials engineering student I knew I wanted to research on materials that improved fuel-efficiency in engines, and it only made more to sense to be a part of UC Sustainability when I came to hear about them. And even better, when you can get paid to work on fun projects while making new friends in a new country!

I remember the first time working with the others in the crew. It was to help collect mountains of recyclable material during move-in week brought in by incoming students to the dormitories. This was exacerbated massively by the pouring rains and definitely makes it one of my most remembered activities with UC Sustainability. Soon, I found myself not just working but also learning while doing so. The numerous guest lectures, movies and hands-on events showed me that there are larger problems in our society implicitly affecting sustainability and that there are more than a few ways to help this cause. Another surprising fact I realized was that even though the common man knew the benefits of taking measures to mitigate some of these widespread problems, there is a lack of awareness and a constant dearth in educative platforms that are required to approach most of these problems on a systems level, so as to not let the vicious cycle continue. It does feel satisfying when I think about UC Sustainability and other organizations across the country, and even across the world responding positively to fix this. But with a problem that is as widespread as such and while also navigating among contradicting theories on the matter in the light of evidence, there can never be an assurance of enough effort being directed at the matter.

Over the 4 years I have been a part of, I have had the pleasure and the chance to educate myself with many facets of sustainability and also help educate others, for it is not just about being environmentally friendly but includes everything from protecting and safeguarding our planet for all species and having the realization that every species has an equal claim to it and wherein they are needed to perform a specific role in ensuring sustainability.

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